Thursday, August 15, 2013

Biking in Switzerland

Switzerland has a 9,000-kilometer cycle network. Nevertheless, almost every Sunday during the summer, the country shuts down at least 30 kilometers of roads for cycling events known as Slow Up.

The Frau loves Slow Up events. Last week, Baby M experienced her first Slow Up on the back of Mister Frau’s bike in a Römer Jockey bike seat purchased for CHF 20 from the Yahoo Expat Group.

Switzerland always knows what time it is–
even on a bike route in the middle of nowhere.
Together, The Frau's family biked 39 km during the Brugg Slow Up. (Baby M even enjoyed it, if you don’t count the last five kilometers, when she screamed her head off.)

Anyway, along the route was the usual free Rivella (nice if you like Rivellla...), free granola bars, raclette tent, and entertaining atmosphere. Swiss biking outfits consisted of everything from people wearing jeans and dress shoes to guys wearing red snowflake sweaters despite the 75-degree weather. There were dogs in bike carriers, men in wheelchairs, and expats like The Frau feeling good about themselves because they actually passed real Swiss people on hills.

But the best thing on the Slow Up trail had to be this clock. Because this is a country obsessed with time. So you'll want make the most of it–even on a bike!


Hattie said...

How charming. And how I remember those fun excursions with screaming young ones! Still, I miss those days.

Anonymous said...

Ja Meine Liebe Frau, "The Swiss Timing" is "our way of life"...


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