Hurry, yodelers. You don't get blockbuster deals like this very often in Switzerland: a savings of 11%? Now that warrants a huge ad.
And try not to faint, but there's a double bonus here, although they've hidden it by using white font on a yellow background. So I'll just tell you so you don't have to squint: The furniture store will even be open on SUNDAY.
Wow. A sale and a Sunday. I hardly know what to do with myself. Besides go shopping, that is.
Haha... this is exactly what I was thinking about recently! How Sales in Germany are a bit more, lets say, meager/humble/non-existant? 10% off really doesn't get me all that excited. I miss the bargains in the US (even though I guess Germany is still quite the bargain compared to Switzerland)...
I always find he discount section of Coop@ Home to be amusing with the odd percentages. 13% off ect. Such odd ways to discount.
And if you buy REKA checks at Coop you save a fantastic 3%! Now there's a reason to trade your real money for play money...
Now don't go hog wild!
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