The other night, my doorbell rang.
This kind of event used to freak me out because I figured it was either my neighbor complaining about the way I was doing my laundry or an unknown person that I definitely wouldn't understand.
It took three years, but now I'm to the point where I don't mind opening my door and seeing who's there because I can finally talk and understand German. Over the last few weeks, I've had some interesting people knocking:
-Two women from Jehovah's Witness that wanted to give me a German Bible
-A guy from the local TV station that wanted to film an event in Baden from my balcony (but offered no money)
But perhaps this week's topped them all:
-A guy from Russia wearing a gigantic fanny pack that was filled with wooden Russian nesting dolls that he wanted to sell me.
I can't wait to see who next week will bring...
And how about you? What surprise visitors have you had at your door lately?
I usually manage to avoid these people at my door by being at work all day (they mostly only come during business hours). Russian dolls? No thanks!
Don't knock the dolls! That is the souvenir I brought back from Prague. :)
No, the dolls are awesome. It's just that I don't want to buy them in Switzerland...
We had some guy selling art. He had a bunch of his canvases rolled up and he wanted to come in and unfurl them.
We also have Billag visits, which I'm sure you get, too. So weird to have to pay for a TV license.
Yeah, the Billag guy came to us one night about 9 months after we moved in. We pleaded innocent.
Do the billag people actually come to look for tvs?
I don't have one (Zatto is enough for me), but I think it's so funny that you have to pay to have a tv or a radio.
The only people I've had knocking on my door have been my neighbors either telling me they're done with the washing machine or that I should mark on the washing machine schedule if I'm done using it earlier than expected.
That's the good thing about intercoms... I haven't had anyone in years. The last one was actually the Billag guy about 6 years ago, last time I moved in. It was 7.30 am. They know that it's the only time of the day when working people are actually at home.
Our Billag people didn't actually come in our apartment, they trusted what we told them. Others I know have had letters sent to them if the Billag people show up and they aren't home.
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